Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Skateboard Dress Help!if Im Gonna Go Totally Skateboard Girl How Do I Dress, Act, And Speak?

Help!if im gonna go totally skateboard girl how do i dress, act, and speak? - skateboard dress

Please give a detailed answer, and if it helps im 13


momma said...

They pose

xina_scu... said...

Sorry, can not hear you right? How can "speak and act, is it really important that you fit a certain group?" I see that you are 13, so that I will be honest: No one likes a wannabe. They are more respected by others will certainly try something that you're not. You're just inviting other children to go alone and make fun of you. You can appear in school on Monday dressed like a skater and do not know, as you know, skateboarding !

Heather B said...

I am fourteen years has changed the face of my Totall because my friend and he CKAT tables are the best in the city. I bought the car, and Punk is not punk, but only think of trying to fill is not good. Not skateboard, and because a child acidente hood. Dressing as a girl in a way more skaters.

Heather B said...

I am fourteen years has changed the face of my Totall because my friend and he CKAT tables are the best in the city. I bought the car, and Punk is not punk, but only think of trying to fill is not good. Not skateboard, and because a child acidente hood. Dressing as a girl in a way more skaters.

miss_mig... said...

Start shopping in stores such as Spencer, HotTopic, PacSun
WHAT TO DO As far as I know, because EVRY RALLY DONT PUNK IS DIFFERENT I met some really good, and some are bad and rude

askme said...

Well, if you really want a skateboard, my daughter, you need to learn to skateboard. That is all. Otherwise you have to. Take the advice and practice. Be sure to use protective equipment.

If you are a kind of skate skate like a girl trying to impress, then you might have forgotten. They do not like Poser.

If you try to imitate a style, you have to find yours.

Most people are not to be attempted by someone for what they are not impressed.

Sara R said...

U Just B ur be the same. do or not do something UR.

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